Chinese Medicine Regulatory Office

Macroscopic and Microscopic Identification of Cortex type of Decoction Pieces Commonly Found in Hong Kong

Background and Aims

  • Cortex type of Chinese medicines originates from the parts of a plant’s branch, stem or root outside the cambium. This type of Chinese medicines has fewer macroscopic features for identification, and the features are often very similar among them, comparing to other types of Chinese medicines. After the Chinese medicines are cut to form decoction pieces, these features are further reduced, making the identification even more difficult.
  • To increase the identification accuracy of cortex type decoction pieces, this study combines the advantages of macroscopic identification method, which is fast and convenient, with microscopic identification method, which is objective and precise. Dual approach, using both macroscopic and microscopic identification techniques, is employed to provide an easy yet accurate identification method for the Chinese medicines industry.

Methods and Characteristics

  • Macroscopic identification method is the foundation of traditional Chinese medicines identification with the characteristics of simple and easy-to-use. In addition, this study adopts a simplified powder microscopic identification method that is easier to learn and apply. By selecting identification features that are highly distinctive and easy to identify, and simplifying the operation procedures, this technique can also be approachable by individuals with no prior experience in the field.
  • Meanwhile, a search system is developed to allow users to look for the corresponding information of the cortex type decoction pieces by inputting critical macroscopic features and constantly observable features of simplified powder microscopic identification method.

Research Results